Who Says ‘Money Can’t Buy Happiness?’ Here Are 12 Ways It Can (2024)

Money / Wealth

10 min Read

By Cameron Huddleston

Who Says ‘Money Can’t Buy Happiness?’ Here Are 12 Ways It Can (1)

The Beatles made it clear that money can’t buy love. But can it buy happiness? Economists say yes, to a point. According to a 2018 study by Purdue University, household income impacts both emotional well-being and perceived life satisfaction. The study found that $95,000 is the ideal income for life evaluation, and the perfect income for emotional well-being falls between $60,000 and $75,000.

Research shows that dollars do make a difference, and personal finance writers agree. GOBankingRates surveyed 12 popular finance bloggers and money pros to learn more about the ways in which cash affects the quality of life.

Click through to find out the invaluable money lessons that can lead to happiness.

Money Makes Frugality a Choice

Although she claims to be a “broke girl” living in New York City, Stefanie O’Connell, bloggerand author of “The Broke and Beautiful Life,” said when she started to make enough money to feel comfortable, frugality became a choice rather than a necessity. With more money, she now has more options.

“Being limited in what you can buy, do, give or experience because of insufficient funds is undeniably frustrating. Money is a tool that can be leveraged to lift those limitations,” she said. “Having that kind of flexibility in my finances, and in my life in general, makes me happy and grateful every day.”

Having money doesn’t mean you can’t make frugal choices in your daily life. From comparison shopping to making your own lunch, opting to be frugal regardless of income means you’ll have more cash for things that matter, such as pursuing a hobby, passion project or when your car inevitably needs to be repaired.

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Money Can Buy Experiences

Lance Cothern, a certified public accountant, said he has been interested in money for as long as he can remember. So, he created the Money Manifesto blog to help others better manage their finances.

Having money enables his family to have adventures that continue to bring them joy, long after they have returned from their travels, he said.

“I believe money brings us happiness because it allows us to experience the things we dream of doing,” he said. “Without money, many of us would never be able to experience that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe or Alaska.”

A GOBankingRates survey revealed that many Americans share Cothern’s attitude. When asked how they would spend an unexpected $10,000 windfall, 10 percent of people said they’d take a vacation, while another 25 percent said they’d invest in a home.

Money Lets You Give Back

Brian MacFarland, the creator of Lazy Man and Money, has been able to turn his passion for personal finance into a money-making blog. Since he created the site in 2006, he’s learned a few things about the connection between money and happiness.

“Studies show that having $75,000 is a magic number for those who say they are happy,” he said. But he added that more money doesn’t necessarily buy more happiness. However, having money does give you the ability togive back to others— and having a purpose through volunteerism and charity is also often cited as a key to happiness, he said.

If you don’t already have a favorite charity, you can find one you’d like to support with a little online research and introspection. Chances are there’s at least one cause that is close to your heart. From animal rescue charities to groups focused on civil rights or fighting diseases, there is no shortage of worthy causes.

“I’ve found all that to be instrumental to my happiness … though, I’m still working toward the $75,000 number,” he said.

Money Lets You Live the Life You Want

Robert Farrington’s blog, The College Investor,helps millennials get out of student loandebtand build wealth. He has learned that money can help create happiness because it lets you live the lifestyle you want — whether that is taking vacations, going out to dinner with friends or even buying things that make life easier.

For example, Farrington wanted a lifestyle that revolved around his family. “Money has brought me happiness because it has allowed my wife to fulfill her dream of staying home to raise our son,” he said.

Even if a windfall isn’t on the horizon, you can still take steps to improve your financial situation while living the life you want. For example, you might consider investing extra time in a side hustle that could turn into a lucrative new career orfinding a job you can do from home.

“Remember, work to live, don’t live to work,” said Farrington.

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Money Offers Stability

Alexis Schroeder chronicles her journey to a happy, healthy lifestyle on FITnancials. As someone who has provided for herself since the age of 16, Schroeder knows firsthand how money can bring happiness.

“Money brings me stability and security,” she said. “I’m able to take care of myself financially without relying on anyone else to keep me secure.”

Money Buys Safeguards Against the Unexpected

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner knows a thing or two about making money. She was able to pay off nearly $40,000 in student-loan debt in just seven months by workingside jobsin addition to a full-time job and creating the blog Making Sense of Cents. Now she’s entirely self-employed and pulling in more than $70,000 a month through her online endeavors.

Schroeder-Gardner said that money has brought her happiness because, by managing it well, she’s been able to safeguard herself against the stress of unexpected expenses. “I am saving more money than ever and have been able to build my retirement and emergency funds,” she said.

If you want tobuild an emergency fundbut are still trying to pay off debt, you might need to divide up your money and work toward accomplishing both goals at once.

Money Makes Life Easier

Philip Taylor created the PT Money blog in 2007 as a way to share his own experiences managing his money and learning more about personal finance. Now, he’s the one teaching his loyal followers how to take control of their finances.

“Money — or my mastery of it — certainly has made my life easier,” Taylor said. “I have a ton of options, freedoms and protections. But an easy life doesn’t equal happiness. I have to choose that daily.”

In some cases, choosing happiness might mean turning down a stressful job with a high salary or opting to pursue a side hustle in your spare time that aligns with your interests. The goal is to decide what will make you happy in life and take steps to pursue it.

Money Lets You Do What You Love

Jon Dulin dug himself out of $10,000 in credit-card debt and now plans to retire by 50. So, the creator of the Money Smart Guides blog has seen for himself how money can give you more options in life.

“For me, money has brought happiness in this way,” Dulin said. “Because my wife and I worked hard and saved a lot every month, I took advantage of starting my own business. Had we not saved as we did, I wouldn’t have that option.”

You don’t have to quit your day job to start pursuing a passion project in your spare time. For the best results, focus on selling products rather than services to minimize your initial time investment, and don’t be afraid to ask friends for help.

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Money Allows You to Help Friends in Need

William Charles, who blogs at Doctor of Credit, has found that money makes him happy when he can use it to make others happy. In fact, Charles once helped his friend pay off credit card debt — and the friend paid him back over time.

“It’s an amazing feeling to be able to help somebody you deeply care about when they are in relatively small financial trouble that is causing them great stress,” he said. “It meant the world to him, and it was a relatively small monetary gesture from me.”

Just be sure you can afford to make the loan and don’t expect to be repaid immediately.

Money Helps Eliminate Financial Stress

Nick Loper is the creator of Side Hustle Nation, a site that showcases his successes and failures with side businesses as well as lessons from other entrepreneurs. He has found that money can buy happiness in more than one way.

“The first is the obvious: material comforts, food, shelter, entertainment, travel, etc. But the second way is maybe even more important, and that’s the mental anguish it helps dissolve,” Loper said. “If you have a healthy savings cushion, you live with far less financial anxiety than someone living paycheck to paycheck, because you know you can weather a job loss, a trip to the ER or unforeseen car repairs.”

According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, money is a major stressor in the lives of many Americans. In fact, 72 percent of respondents admitted to feeling stressed about finances in the past 30 days, while 22 percent had suffered extreme stress. With medical research connecting stress to a host of health problems ranging from headaches to insomnia, it’s no surprise that people with a financial cushion sleep easier.

Money Helps You Enjoy All Stages of Life

Ben Edwards aims to help people have a better life through the money tips he offers on his blog Money Smart Life. He has learned that the amount of happiness money can offer varies throughout life.

“For example, right now we’re raising our three kids,” Edwards said. “It makes us happy to be able to afford to pay for the extracurricular things that help them develop and learn.”

Because he doesn’t know what will make him happy in the next phase of life, he said it’s important to save to have the money to pay for what will bring him joy then. For example, you might want to travel in retirement or pursue a hobby you didn’t have time for while working full time. Along with contributing to a 401k, you can safeguard your future happiness byinvesting in a Roth IRA.

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Money Offers Freedom

Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche is an award-winning teacher of financial empowerment and founder of the Live Richer Challenge. Yet, she doesn’t believe that money brings happiness directly.

“I believe that money brings options and greater freedom to choose,” she said. “It’s through those choices that happiness is found. Money has enabled me to travel the world, give back via donating and to start my own business by doing my passion. It’s those choices that have made me happy, not the money itself.”

Whether you hope to retire a millionaire at 65 or work a job you love long into your golden years, you want the choice to be yours and not the result of financial necessity. Make smart money decisions now and enjoy greater financial freedom down the line.

Click through to read more about what it takes to save $1 million for retirement.

Gabrielle Olya contributed to the reporting for this article.

Who Says ‘Money Can’t Buy Happiness?’ Here Are 12 Ways It Can (2024)


Who made the quote money can't buy happiness? ›

Origin. A phrase, not exactly similar to 'money can't buy happiness' but meaning exactly the same, was first coined by a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Where did the saying money can't buy happiness come from? ›

' The proverb first appeared in the United States in 'William & Mary College Quarterly'.

Who said whoever said money can t buy happiness simply didn t know where to go shopping? ›

"Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping." - Gertrude Stein.

Is there a saying that money can't buy happiness? ›

The saying means that true happiness comes from within, not from possessions that can be bought. Beyond the ability to pay your bills, happiness is a state of mind that is short-lived when you base it on physical objects and the numbers in an investment portfolio.

What did Mark Twain say about money? ›

We were always going to be rich—next year,” Twain recalled. “It's good to begin life poor; it is good to begin life rich—these are wholesome, but to begin it poor and prospectively rich! The man who has not experienced it cannot imagine the curse of it!”

Does the great gatsby say money Cannot buy happiness? ›

scott fitzgerald's novel, the great gatsby, implies that money cannot buy happiness. Analyzes how gatsby spends thousands trying to make himself happy, but it only leads him to making more sacrifices to achieve that happiness.

What is the conclusion of money can't buy happiness? ›

In conclusion, money may be able to buy a vast number of things but not the love that comes from our hearts, true friends and family. All of these are the most requisite ingredients to being happy and enjoying our lives to the fullest. It is true that happiness is simple when you keep it simple.

Who said money can't buy everything? ›

George Lorimer Quote - Money Can't Buy Everything - Due.

What did Mark Twain say about happiness? ›

When all is said and done, the one sole condition that makes spiritual happiness and preserves it is the absence of doubt. The perfection of wisdom, and the end of true philosophy is to proportion our wants to our possessions, our ambitions to our capacities, we will then be a happy and a virtuous people.

What did Benjamin Franklin say about happiness? ›

“There are two ways of being happy: We may either diminish our wants or augment our means — either will do — the result in the same; and it is for each man to decide for himself, and do that which happens to be the easiest.”

What is a quote from Aristotle about money? ›

Money is a guarantee that we may have what we want in the future. Though we need nothing at the moment it insures the possibility of satisfying a new desire when it arises.”

What does whoever said money can't buy happiness mean? ›

We've all heard the old saying, “Money can't buy you happiness.” – and to a degree, we all know this is true. Money can't buy peace of mind, satisfaction, delight, or any of the feelings we normally associate with happiness.

Who said money can t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery? ›

Spike Milligan Quotes

Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.

Why money doesn t mean happiness? ›

Money Only Provides Fleeting Pleasure

It is not a goal that can be attained by simply purchasing an expensive item, but it can be found inside you by embracing gratitude and optimism. Finding true happiness means understanding that the material things we think will make us happy don't actually bring lasting joy.


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