Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (2024)

We all make mistakes. And, very often, communication is key to resolve a tricky situation. But what do we do if it happens abroad? Don’t worry, we have you covered — at least inFrench!

Whether you bumped into somebody on the Champs-Elysées or you forgot your rendez-vous with your Québécois friend, learning how to say sorry in French is some of the most useful vocabulary to get familiar with. Ok, maybe after thank you and you’re welcome.

From “Je suis désolé(e)” to “Toutes mes excuses” and “Excusez-moi”, we have compiled the best way to apologize in French. Pardon my French!

How to say I’m sorry in French

The proper way to say pardon me in French depends on the situation. The tables below will help you to find the most appropriate expressions to apologize:

  • If you have hurt someone
  • If something bad happened to someone you care about
  • If you bump into, or want to get past someone
  • If you need somebody to repeat something
  • If you need to apologize in French in a professional environment

Most expressions can be used with “vous” or “tu”, but we also added the context when needed.

How to say sorry to someone you have hurt

Have you messed up? While you can’t turn back time, an apology goes a long way. And we’re here to help you out!

Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (1)

I’m truly sorryJe suis vraiment désolé(e)ʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle(ɛ)
I’m very sorryJe suis désolé(e)ʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ)
I’m deeply sorryJe suis profondément désolé(e)ʒə sɥi pɾɔfõdemə dezɔle(ɛ)
I’m sincerely sorryJe suis sincèrement désolé(e)ʒə sɥi sɛ̃sɛɾəmə dezɔle(ɛ)
I feel terrible, I’m so sorryJe m’en veux, je suis vraiment désolé(e)ʒə mɑ̃ vø, ʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle(ɛ)
I’m so sorry, that was thoughtless of meJe suis vraiment désolé, c'était inconsidéré de ma part.ʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle, setɛt‿ ɛ̃kõsideɾe də ma paɾ.
I’m very sorry for the way I behavedJe suis vraiment désolé(e) de la façon dont je me suis comporté(e)ʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle də la fasõ dõ ʒə mə sɥi kõpɔɾte(ɛ).
I apologize, I was out of lineJe m'excuse, j'ai dépassé les bornesʒə mɛkskyzə, ʒe depasele bɔɾnə
I apologize for my behaviorJe m'excuse pour mon comportementʒə mɛkskyzə puɾ mõ kõpɔɾtəmə
I’m sorry, it was my faultJe suis désolé(e), c'était ma fauteʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ), sete ma fotə
I’m so sorry about what I didJe suis vraiment désolé(e) de ce que j'ai faitʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle(ɛ) də sə kə ʒe fe
What I did was wrongJ’ai eu tort de faire çaʒey tɔɾ də fɛɾə sa
I’m sorry I hurt youJe suis désolé(e) de t'avoir fait du malʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ) də tavwaɾ blɛse(ɛ)Informal
I didn’t mean to hurt youJe ne voulais pas te faire de malʒə nə vule pa tə fɛɾə də malInformal

How to say you are sorry when something bad has happened to someone you care about

Empathy is a wonderful quality, but it can be hard to convey in a foreign language. Here are a few things you can say if something bad has happened to a French speaking friend or someone you care about.

Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (2)

I’m so sorry to hear thatJe suis vraiment désolé(e) d'entendre çaʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle(ɛ) dɑ̃tɑ̃dɾə sa
My deepest sympathiesMes sincères condoléancesme sɛ̃sɛɾə kõdɔleɑ̃səSomeone is deceased
I’m sorry that happened to youJe suis désolé(e) que cela vous soit arrivéʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ) kə səla vu swat‿ arive
I’m really sorry for youJe suis vraiment désolé(e) pour vousʒə sɥi vɾɛmə dezɔle(ɛ) puɾ vu
I’m devastated for youJe suis navré(e) pour vousʒə sɥi navɾe(ɛ) puɾ vu
My condolencesToutes mes condoléancestutəme kõdɔleɑ̃səSomeone is deceased
My sympathiesMes condoléancesme kõdɔleɑ̃səSomeone is deceased
I’m sorry, I’m with you with all my heartJe suis désolé(e), je suis de tout cœur avec toiʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ), ʒə sɥi də tu kœɾ avɛk twaInformal
I’m sorry, I’m here for youJe suis désolé, je suis là pour toiʒə sɥi dezɔle, ʒə sɥi la puɾ twaInformal

How to apologize when you bump into someone by accident or you want to get past someone blocking the way

The streets of downtown Paris or Montréal can get crowded sometimes! If you happen to bump into someone or you want to get past someone, it’s pretty easy to be polite. Just use one of the sayings below!

Excuse me pleaseExcusez-moiɛkskyze-mwa
Sorry, can I get by?Désolé(e), je peux passer ?dezɔle(ɛ), ʒə pø pase ?

How to apologize when you need to ask someone to repeat something

When learning French, one of the challenges you might encounter is to understand native francophones. Don’t be shy! Ask them to repeat with the following expressions.

Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (3)

Pardon?Pardon ?paɾdõ ?
Sorry I didn’t hear youDésolé(e), je n’ai pas entendudezɔle(ɛ), ʒə ne paz‿ ɑ̃tɑ̃dy
Sorry, could you please repeat that?Pourriez-vous répéter, s'il vous plaît ?purje-vu ɾepete, sil vu ple ?
I beg your pardonJe vous demande pardon ?ʒə vu dəmɑ̃də paɾdõ ?
Sorry, what did you say?Désolé(e), qu'est-ce que vous avez dit ?dezɔle(ɛ), kɛ-sə kə vuz‿ ave di ?
Sorry, I didn’t understandDésolé(e), je n'ai pas comprisdezɔle, ʒə ne pa kõpɾi

How to apologize when you have made a small mistake (that did not hurt anyone).

As we say in French, “L’erreur est humaine” (Literally, mistakes are human). For daily bloopers, keep reading!

It was my badJ’ai commis une erreurʒe kɔmiz‿ yn ɛrœɾ
I messed upJ'ai tout gâchéʒe tu gɑʃe
I was wrong and I apologizeJ'avais tort et je m'excuseʒave tɔɾt‿e ʒə mɛkskyzə
Sorry about that!Désolé(e) pour ça !dezɔle(ɛ) puɾ sa !
Whoops! Sorry!Oups ! Je suis désolé(e) !u ! ʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ) !
It was my faultC'est ma fautesɛ ma fotə
I’m sorryJe suis désolé(e)ʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ)
I apologizeJe m'excuseʒə mɛkskyzə

How to say sorry in a formal or business environment

Knowing the proper etiquette to say sorry in French is particularly important in a work environment. The expressions below will help you apologize in the most common business situations.

Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (4)

Sorry for the late replyDésolé pour la réponse tardivedezɔle puɾ la ɾepõsə taɾdivə
Please forgive the lengthy delayVeuillez excuser ce long retardvœjez‿ ɛkskyze sə lõ ɾətaɾ
My apologies you didn’t receive the report you requestedToutes mes excuses pour ne pas avoir reçu le rapport que vous aviez demandétutəmez‿ ɛkskyzə puɾ nə paz‿ avwaɾ ɾəsy lə ɾapɔɾ kə vuz‿ avje dəmɑ̃de.
I apologize for the confusion…Je m'excuse pour la confusion...ʒə mɛkskyzə puɾ la kõfyzjõ...
I’m sorry to bother youJe suis désolé(e) de vous avoir dérangé(e)ʒə sɥi dezɔle(ɛ) də vuz‿ avwaɾ deɾɑ̃ʒe
Sorry I couldn’t attend the meetingDésolé(e) de ne pas avoir pu assister à la réuniondezɔle(ɛ) də nə paz‿ avwaɾ py asiste a la ɾeynjõ
Sorry, I’m lateDésolé(e) pour le retarddezɔle(ɛ) puɾ lə ɾətaɾ
I regret to inform you thatJ'ai le regret de vous informer queʒe lə ɾəgɾe də vuz‿ ɛ̃fɔɾme kə
All my excusesToutes mes excusestutəmez‿ ɛkskyzə

How to ask for forgiveness

You’ve used the expressions above to apologize? Now, it’s time to ask for forgiveness.

Can you forgive me?Pourras-tu me pardonner ?pura-ty mə paɾdɔne ?Informal
How can I make it up to you?Comment puis-je me faire pardonner ?kɔmə pɥi-ʒə mə fɛɾə paɾdɔne ?
Sorry, I won’t do it again.Désolé(e), ça ne se reproduira plusdezɔle, sa nə sə ɾəpɾɔdɥiɾa ply
I’m begging you to forgive meJe vous prie de m’excuserʒə vu pɾjə də mɛkskyzeFormal
Please forgive meS'il te plaît, pardonne-moisil tə ple, paɾdɔnə-mwaInformal
I ask for your forgivenessJ’implore votre pardonʒɛ̃plɔɾə tõ paɾdõFormal
I will do anythingJe ferai n'importe quoiʒə fəɾe nɛ̃pɔɾtə kwa

How to express regret

Let’s get even more dramatic with these phrases to express regret.

Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (5)

I wish I could take it backJ'aimerais pouvoir revenir en arrièreʒ(e)məɾe puvwaɾ ɾəvəniɾɑ̃n‿ arjɛɾə
I wish I hadn’t done thatJ’aimerais ne pas l’avoir faitʒ(e)məɾe nə pa lavwaɾ fe
I regret itJe le regretteʒə lə ɾəgɾɛtə
I wish I hadn’t said thatJ’aimerais ne jamais avoir dit çaʒ(e)məɾe nə ʒamɛz‿ avwaɾ di sa
I will never forgive myselfJe ne me le pardonnerai jamaisʒə nə mə lə paɾdɔnəɾe ʒame

The culture of apologizing in France

If you’re from an English speaking country such as the USA, Canada, Ireland or the United Kingdom, chances are you apologize often. Whether it is at work, on the street or with friends, think about it: How many times a day do you say “sorry” even when you’ve done nothing wrong?

While the Québécoise culture is closer to the American one, in France, it’s another story. French do not apologize very often, especially when they consider that they have nothing to apologize for. Most French will briefly apologize if they REALLY bump into you, but don’t be offended if they don’t. Nothing personal, it’s just French etiquette!

In the workplace, they might say “Ce n’est pas de ma faute” (It’s not my fault) and refuse to take responsibility for their company or their colleague.

Not sure when, or what to apologize for in French? Check out this video.

How to accept an apology in French

Now that you know how to apologize in French, here are a couple of expressions to accept an apology from somebody else:

  • Ce n’est pas grave
  • N’en parlons plus
  • J’accepte vos/tes excuses
  • Aucun problème
  • Ne vous inquiétez pas/Ne t’inquiète pas
  • Pas de soucis

Aucun problème

If you’ve made a mistake, don’t beat yourself up. Take a deep breath and use one of the expressions you just learned! Errors happen, but the important thing is to acknowledge it and apologize. Allez, courage, ce sera vite oublié. As French singer Zazie says, Excuse-moi !

Moreover, if you’re finding joy in reading our free French vocabulary lessons via our blog, keep it up. You’ll round up your learning in so many ways – from hello’s, to goodbyes, and even some fun French slang.

À bientôt !

Sorry in French: 62 Ways to Apologize, Excuse Yourself & More (2024)


How do French people apologize? ›

The most basic way to say sorry in French is Je suis désolé, You can use it the same way you'd use “I'm sorry” in English. That means you can say it to anyone: a friend, a family member, a stranger, a coworker, your boss, the Queen….

How does a man say sorry in French? ›

Je regrette — I'm sorry (lit. “I regret it”) Veuillez m'excuser — Please excuse me/Please accept my apologies. Je vous demande pardon — I beg your pardon.

How do you say sorry in 100 different languages? ›

Make sure to say “sorry” correctly, no matter where you are in the world.
  1. Afrikaans: “Jammer“
  2. Albanian: “Më vjen keq“
  3. Arabic: “آسف“
  4. Armenian: “ներողություն'”
  5. Basque: “Barkatu“
  6. Bosnian: “Izvini“
  7. Catalan: “Ho sento“
  8. Chinese: “对不起“

How do you respond to Je suis desole? ›

3 - How to forgive someone in French

Let's say someone told you “Pardon”, “Excuse-moi” or “Je suis désolé.” How can you react? What should you say? Well, the easiest answer is Ça ne fait rien (= that's nothing).

What do French people say when they make a mistake? ›

How to apologize when you have made a small mistake (that did not hurt anyone).
I messed upJ'ai tout gâché
I was wrong and I apologizeJ'avais tort et je m'excuse
Sorry about that!Désolé(e) pour ça !
Whoops! Sorry!Oups ! Je suis désolé(e) !
4 more rows
May 2, 2022

How do you excuse someone in French? ›

How To Apologize In French
  1. Je vous prie de bien vouloir m'excuser. Very formal.
  2. Je vous présente mes excuses. Formal.
  3. Veuillez m'excuser. Quite formal.
  4. Toutes mes excuses. Colloquial.
  5. Je m'excuse. Although you may hear this, saying “je m'excuse” is not very polite. ...
  6. Je ne sais pas comment m'excuser.
May 2, 2022

What do French people say when they are upset? ›

Je suis contrarié(e). I'm upset. Tu ne m'écoutes pas.

How do you say sorry in a cute way? ›

33 Sweet & Romantic Apology Messages for Your Love
  1. Example Apology Messages and Letter.
  2. 1 “I'm so sorry.”
  3. 2 “I'm really sorry, my love.”
  4. 3 “I can't express to you how sorry I am.”
  5. 4 “I owe you an apology baby.”
  6. 5 “I made a huge mistake.”
  7. 6 “Can you forgive me?”
  8. 7 “I promise to be better.”

How do you say sorry meaningfully? ›

How to apologize genuinely
  1. Acknowledge the offense. Take responsibility for the offense, whether it was a physical or psychological harm, and confirm that your behavior was not acceptable. ...
  2. Explain what happened. ...
  3. Express remorse. ...
  4. Offer to make amends.
Apr 13, 2021

What is je suis du? ›

Translation of "je suis du" in English. I'm from the I'm with the I'm the I'm a I'm on the I am of the I am the I am from the.

What is the response to Bien Merci? ›

The usual response to merci is de rien (You're welcome – literally, It's nothing) or il n'y a pas de quoi. In a more formal context, you could say Je vous en prie or Je t'en prie.

How do you respond to Merci beaucoup in French? ›

“Merci beaucoup” – Thank you very much. “Je vous en prie” – You're welcome.

What is considered rude to French? ›

It is rude to sit with one's legs spread apart unless in a relaxed context. Rather, sit straight with your legs crossed at the knee or knees together. Feet should not be placed on tables or chairs. If someone is invited to a restaurant or a business function, it is acceptable to arrive at the specific time.

What's a phrase you shouldn't say when visiting France? ›

Don't Use “Garçon” or “Porteur”

(gahr-sohN!) meaning Boy! Same goes for calling airport and train station staff porteur (pohr-tuhr) meaning “porter”. Attendants absolutely hate being referred to by these terms, which are considered condescending.

What is the French word rude in English? ›

[ʀyd ] adjective. 1. [ barbe, toile] rough.

How do you excuse yourself in French? ›


As mentioned, excusez-moi means “excuse me” in French. It's a formal way to say excuse me or apologise and a common way to excuse yourself or get someone's attention. Excusez-moi, désolé d'être insensible.

How do you express regret in French? ›

  1. Ways to Say “Sorry” in French.
  2. Je suis désolé/e — I am sorry. Je suis vraiment désolé/e — I am very sorry. Désolé/e — Sorry. Je regrette — I am sorry. Je suis au regret de vous informer — I regret to inform you. Pardon — Pardon. ...
  3. Cultural Notes: Apologizing in France.
  4. Accepting Apologies in French.
May 20, 2023

What does Excusez-Moi mean? ›

« excusez-moi » (pour s'excuser) “I'm sorry” ⧫ “sorry”

How do you apologize without sounding desperate? ›

5 Steps To A Sincere Apology
  1. Name what you did wrong. Don't just say: “I'm sorry you got hurt.” That's not owning up to your actions. ...
  2. Use empathy. Maybe your actions wouldn't have hurt you, but the fact is that they hurt someone else. ...
  3. Make it all about you. ...
  4. Keep explanations brief. ...
  5. Let it go.

What is a word for terribly sorry? ›

“My apologies for everything that's happened.”

How do you say sorry like a gentleman? ›

How to apologise like a true gentleman
  1. Know when it's time. Get this right, and you're half way there to delivering the right apology. ...
  2. Do it face-to-face. ...
  3. Sincerity is everything. ...
  4. Use humour – sparingly. ...
  5. If you're not the only one in the wrong. ...
  6. Don't turn it around – and never make an excuse.

What's the most common French expression? ›

Saying hello in French

Bonjour is the most common and basic greeting. It means “Hello” and “Good morning” and can be used with any person you meet.

How do French people express shock? ›

The term sacré bleu is a dated, stereotypical French expression meant to express astonishment, shock, or amazement.

What is the best sorry message? ›

Heartfelt apology messages

I'm terribly sorry for everything, my intention was to never hurt you at all. Please let me know if there's anything at all that I can do to make it up to you. We both know that I'm not great with words, but I know I've completely messed up and just want to say that I'm so sorry.

How do you say sorry to your love? ›

Sorry messages for your girlfriend or boyfriend
  1. I'm so sorry that I hurt you. ...
  2. I want nothing more than for you to forgive me so that I can whisper in your ear how much I love you.
  3. The perfect couple love, laugh, fight and trust. ...
  4. I'm sorry if I'm acting weirdly.
Aug 11, 2021

How do you apologize to a girl when you really messed up? ›

6 elements of an apology
  1. Acknowledge the Wrongful Act. You need to begin by saying, " I was wrong and I am sorry." There are no substitutes for this admission. ...
  2. Acknowledge That You Hurt her Feelings. ...
  3. Express Your Remorse. ...
  4. State Your Intention Not to Repeat It. ...
  5. Offer to Make Amends. ...
  6. Seek Forgiveness.
Mar 11, 2009

What are the 5 R's of apology? ›

The five apology languages are expressing regret, accepting responsibility, making restitution, genuinely repenting, and requesting forgiveness.

What are the 3 R's in an apology? ›

He remembered the three R's – regret, react, reassure.

What are the 5 different kinds of expression of apology? ›

What Are the 5 Languages of Apology?
  • Expressing Regret. This form of apology includes expressing personal feelings of remorse about wrongdoing. ...
  • Accepting Responsibility. ...
  • Genuinely Repenting. ...
  • Making Restitution. ...
  • Requesting Forgiveness.
Nov 30, 2022

What is sorry in Hawaii? ›

Kaumaha. Examples: I'm sorry for you, kaumaha au nou.

How do you say I'm sorry in Cherokee? ›

ᏍᎩᏙᎵᎨ sgi-dolige - you forgive me, "I'm sorry" (I am asking for you to pardon me, you do it to me.)

How do you say sorry in Rome? ›

Scusa or scusami (saying sorry to one person in a casual, informal situation) Scusi or mi scusi (saying sorry to one person in a formal situation)

What is the best and deepest way to say sorry? ›

Ways of saying you are sorry or regret something - thesaurus
  • I'm sorry. phrase. ...
  • I/we regret to inform/tell you that. phrase. ...
  • my (humble/deepest/sincere etc) apologies. phrase. ...
  • I beg your pardon. phrase. ...
  • excuse me. phrase. ...
  • regrettably. adverb. ...
  • forgive me (for doing something)/forgive my doing something. phrase. ...
  • I'm afraid. phrase.

What not to do when apologizing? ›

The more mindful you can be in the process of making amends, the more meaningful your words can be—and the more difference they can make.
  1. Re-trying your case. ...
  2. Promising something you can't deliver. ...
  3. Ignoring the reason the problem happened in the first place. ...
  4. Adding conditions that negate the apology.
Sep 29, 2022

How do you apologize to God? ›

  1. Forgive All My Sins. Lord Jesus, You opened the eyes of the blind, ...
  2. Mercy. Lord Jesus, Son of God, Have mercy on me, ...
  3. Friend of Sinners. Lord Jesus, ...
  4. Luke 15:18; 18:13. Father, I have sinner against you. ...
  5. Psalm 50:4-5. Wash me from my guilt. ...
  6. Forgiveness. Jesus, I believe you love me. ...
  7. Penance. My God, ...
  8. Lamb of God. Lord Jesus Christ,

What does oui je voudrais mean? ›

4. Je voudrais… - I would like… Whether in a café, restaurant, or bakery a polite way to order in French is je voudrais meaning “I would like” followed by whatever you're ordering.

What does oui je suis fou mean? ›

Translation of "je suis fou" in English. I'm crazy I am crazy I'm mad I'm insane I'm nuts I am mad am I crazy me crazy.

What is je suis beau? ›

Translation of "Je suis beau" in English. I'm handsome I look good. I'm good-looking.

What does je vous en prie mean? ›

— Je vous en prie. May I sit down? — Please do. 2. please.

Is Merci beaucoup polite? ›

This expression is one of the most popular ways of saying thank you in French, and it can be used in almost any situation. Whether you're talking to colleagues or purchasing something in the store, polite Merci beaucoup (thank you very much) will always sound good.

How to respond to je vais bien? ›

Je vais bien. So "How are you?” “Oh, I'm fine." 2. J'ai sommeil.

What does Merci Boku mean? ›

mer·​ci beau·​coup mer-sē-bō-kü : thank you very much.

How do you respond to Je t'aime beaucoup? ›

The best way to respond to, “je t'aime beaucoup,” is a simple, “moi aussi, je t'aime beaucoup.”

What does de rien mean in texting? ›

Updated: March 5, 2021 by Mylene in French Expressions ▪ The most common way of saying you're welcome in French is de rien.

What is considered disrespectful in French culture? ›

It is rude to sit with one's legs spread apart unless in a relaxed context. Rather, sit straight with your legs crossed at the knee or knees together. Feet should not be placed on tables or chairs. If someone is invited to a restaurant or a business function, it is acceptable to arrive at the specific time.

How do French people express pain? ›

The most widely used one is maybe “avoir mal” which literally means “to have a pain” even if in English you would rather say “I feel a pain” or you will mention a body part and add the word “ache” as in “backache”.

How do you express pity in French? ›

  1. to feel pity for sb ressentir de la pitié pour qn.
  2. to take pity on sb prendre pitié de qn.
  3. for pity's sake au nom du ciel.

Is eye contact rude in France? ›

For Parisians eye contact is a personal matter, much like your choice of wine, or infidelity in relationships. As a general rule, you have to avoid looking strangers in the eye; it's slightly offensive. Remember, personal space reigns.

What are some taboos in France? ›

Avoid asking personal questions relating to one's age, sexual orientation, family or children unless you have a well-established friendship. The French highly value their privacy and the privacy of others. Inquiring about one's salary and finances is taboo.

What is not acceptable in France? ›

Things Tourists Should Never Do in France
  • Never Underestimate How Far a Few French Words Can Go. ...
  • Never Wave Wildly at a Waiter to Get Their Attention. ...
  • Try Not to Speak Louder Than Everyone Else, Particularly at Night. ...
  • Never Leave Your Cell Phone Out When Having a Coffee/Meal With Friends.

What is the French saying about crying? ›

The French expression “pleurer comme une Madeleine” translates literally to “to cry like a Mary Magdalene”. Based on biblical history, Mary Magdaleine was a witness to Jesus' crucifixion. The meanings of this idiom are as follows: to cry your eyes out.

What is the French phrase something that one dislikes? ›

If you refer to someone or something as your bete noire, you mean that you have a particular dislike for them or that they annoy you a great deal.

What do French people say as an exclamation? ›

Oh là là ! This well-known phrase is an example of a French exclamation: a word, sound or noise that we make to express an extreme emotion such as excitement, anger or happiness.

What does waving a hand mean in France? ›

1- Bonjour

How: Raise a hand and wave by moving it from side to side with a swaying motion. Where / When: It's used in informal situations to greet or say goodbye as a substitute for handshakes or kisses, whether you're out of arm-reach or greeting many people at once.

Are French people touchy feely? ›

Public displays of affection in France

People kiss acquaintances when they meet them in the street and you even shake hand with the plumber when he comes to fix your leaky pipe: the French are definitely touchy-feely. So, in Paris (and other major cities) anything goes; elsewhere, be more restrained.

What does avoir mal mean? ›

Avoir mal (à) = To be in pain, to hurt somewhere (French Expressions with avoir)

How do you say sorry I didn't mean it in French? ›

Sorry, I didn't mean to.... Pardon, je ne voulais pas...

How do you reject someone in French? ›

  1. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. “No” in French — Non. ...
  2. Impossible. Je dois travailler. ...
  3. Non merci. Je ne mange pas de viande. ...
  4. Pas encore. Je vais le commencer ce week-end. ...
  5. Moi non plus. (Me neither.) ...
  6. Mais non ! ...
  7. Je sais pas. ...
  8. Pas vraiment.
May 21, 2023


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.