35 Super Useful Ways to Say ‘Ok’ (2024)

‘Ok’ (or ‘Okay’!) is one of those super useful words that has an array of different meanings; it can be used as a confirmation, to express agreement, to let someone know you’re not hurt, to critique and even to check understanding!

But how do you get the same messages across in Spanish?

Well, how about a list of 35 ways to say ‘ok’ in your favorite foreign language?

It’s a pretty comprehensive list, so buckle up and get ready ‘cause this is gonna be quite some ride!

1. Ok / Okey / Okay

Let’s start with a no-brainer!

Lots of people (especially in Mexico) slip English words and expressions into their spoken Spanish, and ‘ok’ is no exception.

You’ll often find it written as ‘okey’, so don’t be surprised by that ‘e’; it’s not really a typo (although arguably it is!).

Mauricio – ¿Quieres ir a la boda de mi prima?

Liz – ¡Ok, vamos!

Mauricio – Wanna go to my cousin’s wedding?

Liz – Ok, let’s go!

2. Oki-doki – Okey-dokey

Let’s say your texting your Mexican friend about going to the movies and they respond with that quintessentially Mexican phrase … ‘oki-doki’!

Yes, ‘oki-doki’ is the Spanish version (in much of Latin America, at least) of good old ‘okey-dokey’!

This popular expression can even be heard on Hispanic TV, the Colombian kid’s TV show ‘Oki Doki’ being one example.

And it’s pronunciation?

Well, it sounds something like ‘okee-dokee’.

3. Claro / Claro que sí – Of course

‘Claro’ literally means ‘clear’, so when used to express agreement, it’s kind of like saying that something is very clear / obvious.

The best translation would be ‘of course’.

4. Clarines – Of course

A ‘clarín’ is a musical instrument, more specifically a ‘bugle’, and ‘clarines’ are a bunch of ‘bugles’, but in Mexico City clarines is also a way of saying ‘claro’ or ‘of course’.

¿Quieres una chela?


Wanna have a beer?

Of course!

5. Por supuesto – Of course

This one’s the actual translation of the English ‘of course’!

6. Por su pollo – Of course

This phrase means ‘for your chicken’ and makes no sense, until you realize that the first two syllables are the same as those in ‘por supuesto’ and that Mexicans are great at associating unrelated words with similar sounds!

35 Super Useful Ways to Say ‘Ok’ (1)

7. Bueno – Ok

‘Bueno’ literally means ‘good’, but it’s also commonly used to express approval / consent.

You can use it no matter what country you’re in and in almost every type of interaction (i.e., both formal and informal).

8. De acuerdo – Agreed

If you want to agree with something, you can always just plump for a good ol´ fashioned ‘de acuerdo’ (agreed´ in English)!

It’s sure to be understood no matter where you go (apart from maybe Timbuktu!).

9. Perfecto – Perfect

This is a great word to use when you’re genuinely enthusiastic about something.

Pamela – Yo disparo las palomitas.

Sarahí – ¡Perfecto! Y yo invito los boletos.

Pamela – I’ll buy the popcorn, my treat.

Sarahí – Perfect! I’ll get the tickets then.

10. Va – Let’s go / Ok

‘Va’ literally means ‘it goes’, but it can also mean ‘let’s go’ or ‘ok’.

It’s used in most Spanish-speaking countries, although its thought to have its origins in the Catalan language, rather than Spanish.

Guadalupe – Oye, ¿y si celebramos nuestro aniversario en Cancún?

Clara – ¡Va! ¡Me encanta la idea!

Guadalupe – Hey, what if we celebrate our anniversary in Cancun?

Clara – I love the idea! Let’s go!

11. Bambi – Absolutely

And what (the heck!) does Bambi have to do with anything?

Well, just that the first syllable sounds like ‘va’, and that’s close enough for ‘chilangos’ (people who live in Mexico City) to use it as a synonym – and a pretty funny one to boot!

35 Super Useful Ways to Say ‘Ok’ (2)

You may even hear this phrase turn into a full ‘Bambi es un venado y Tambor su valedor’, which means, ‘Bambi is a deer and Thumper’s his friend’.

Paco – Entonces, ¿te veo en la fiesta?

Julio – Bambi.

Paco – So, I’ll meet you at the party?

Julio – Sure thing!

12. Vale – All right

Vale’ can be translated to ‘it has worth’ in English as it’s the third person present conjugation of the verb ‘valer’, but it’s also used to mean ‘okay’.

You’ll hear this one A LOT in Spain, but it’s also used in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries, so don’t shy away from using it the next time you want to agree with someone!

Irma – ¿Nos vemos en el laboratorio a las siete?

Georgina – ¡Vale! Me parece bien.

Irma – Shall I meet you at the lab at seven?

Georgina – All right! Sounds good.

13. Dale – All right

‘Dale’ literally translates to ‘give it’, but in colloquial Spanish (particularly in Spain and Argentina), it’s just a synonym of ‘all right’.

Al finalizar una reunión

¡Dale! Nos vemos la próxima semana a la misma hora.

At the end of a work meeting

All right! See you next week at the same time.

14. Sale – All right

This one literally means ‘it goes out’, and as a verb you’ll come across it in sentences such as ‘el perro sale a pasear por las tardes’ (or ‘the dog goes for walks in the evenings’), but it’s also used to mean ‘ok’ in Mexico.

Just use it in the same way that you’d use ‘vale’ or ‘dale’ and you’ll be gold!

15. Sale y vale / Sale vale – Okey-dokey

Want to sound extra casual, fun, AND assertive all at the same time?

In Mexico you can use both ‘sale y vale’ or ‘sale vale’ to either express agreement or as a way of confirming something; they’ll roll right off the tongue once you pick up the pronunciation!

/ sah leh ee bah leh /

16. Venga – Ok / All right / Let’s go

‘Venga’ can translate to ‘come here’, but in Spain it’s also used as a synonym of ‘ok’ OR an enthusiastic ‘let’s go!’!

¿Quieres ir por un bocata?


Do you wanna go grab a sandwich?


If the person isn’t that convinced but ends up agreeing, it’s more similar to ‘all right’

¿Va a querer azúcar en su café?

Venga, pero solo una cucharadita.

Do you want sugar in your coffee?

All right, but just a teaspoon.

17. Pura Vida – Awesome / Ok / Let’s go

I can’t think of a more beautiful way to say ‘ok’ then ‘pura vida’ (‘pure life’ in English).

Originally the title of a 20th century Mexican movie, it ended up becoming a trademark expression in Costa Rica, and is now an essential part of their culture and the way they see life itself.

Costa Ricans will greet you with ‘pura vida’, but they’ll also let you know if things are okay, or if they’re excited about something by uttering this simple phrase.

Alexa – ¡Vamos a llegar tarde a la fiesta!

Mariam – ¡Pura vida! La noche es joven.

Alexa – We’re gonna be late for the party!

Mariam – ¡Pura vida! (It’s ok!) The night is young.

18. Sí / Sip / Sipi / Sipirilí – Yes / Yup

First we have ‘sí’, which is your basic Spanish word for ‘yes’.

Then we have ‘sip’, which is equivalent to ‘yup’

… and then we can just get gradually sillier with its metamorphosis until we get ‘sipirilí’, an expression popularized by the beloved Mexican comedian, Capulina.

19. Simón – Yeah

We all know that Mexico is the cradle of the taco.

But did you know that it’s also home to some pretty amusing wordplays?

‘Simón’ is a common first name (it´s the equivalent of ‘Simon’ in English), but since its first syllable is ‘si’, it’s also used as slang for ‘sí’.

Just keep in mind that it’s a very informal way of agreeing, best kept out of the workplace.

20. Cámara – Fine

A ‘cámara’ is a ‘camera’ in English (easy, right!), but it´s also used in Mexico City to say ‘fine’ or ‘ok’ depending on tone and context (eek, maybe not as easy as I thought!).

A word of warning: use this expression only amongst close friends.

Al despedirse en una llamada telefónica

¡Cámara, carnal! Nos vemos en la fiesta del sábado.

Saying goodbye when speaking on the phone

Ok, bro, see you at the party on Saturday!

21. Camarón – Ok

This one means ‘shrimp’ but it also sounds a bit like ‘cámara’, so it’s used in Mexico City to mean ‘ok’ as well.

Those “chilangos” really are an innovative bunch, don´t you think?

35 Super Useful Ways to Say ‘Ok’ (3)

22. Jalo – Ok, I’m in

‘Jalar’ is ‘to pull’ in English, and ‘jalo’ is ‘I pull’. Nowadays, Mexicans also use it as a synonym of ‘ok, I’m in!’.

¿Quieres ir a las tirolesas?


Do you wanna go ziplining?

Ok, I’m in!

23. Arre – Giddy-up (Ok)

You may not be a cowboy (although maybe you are for all I know!), but if you’re in Mexico amongst close friends you may well hear someone cry out an excited ‘¡arre!’ despite there not being a horse in sight.

Don’t fret, you don’t have to dust off those cowboy boots just yet …

… it’s just a very popular way of saying ‘ok’ in the northern states of Mexico!

¡Te esperamos en el parque!

¡Arre! Ahí nos vemos.

We’ll see you at the park!

Ok! I’ll be there.

24. Cómo no – Of course / Sure thing

‘How not to?’ is the literal translation of this popular Spanish expression, but it’s widely used in informal Spanish as a way of saying ‘of course’ or ‘sure thing’.

Me encanta la pizza, ¡cómo no!

I love pizza, of course!

Juan – ¿Te quieres ir a echar unos tacos?

Nacho – ¡Cómo no!

Juan – Wanna go for tacos?

Nacho – Of course!

25. Ándale / Ándale, pues – Ok / Ok, then

‘Ándale’ means something akin to ‘come on’ in English, but it’s also commonly used in Mexico as a synonym of ‘ok’.

Things change (a little) if you whack the word ‘pues’ (‘then’ in English) on the end, because we then have the phrase ‘ok, then’.

26. Órale / Órale, pues – Ok / Ok, then

Similarly, ‘órale’ and ‘órale, pues’ are super common in Mexican Spanish.

They’re basically synonymous with ‘ándale’ and ‘ándale pues’ and I actually find that some people prefer to use ‘ándale’ and others ‘órale’!

You’re sure to hear both of them all over Mexico!

¡Órale! Me encanta la idea, ¡vamos!

Ok! I love the idea, let’s go!

Órale pues, vamos a casa de tus papás.

Ok, then! Let´s go to your parent´s house.

27. Está bien – Ok / It’s ok

You’ll probably hear this phrase when someone’s a bit reluctant but ends up agreeing anyway, OR when they think something’s ok but not great!

Está bien, puedes jugar después de hacer tu tarea.

Ok, you can play after doing your homework.

La playa está bien, pero hay demasiados turistas.

The beach is ok, but there are too many tourists.

28. No está mal / No suena mal – It´s ok

‘No está mal’ means ‘it’s not bad’, and ‘no suena mal’ translates to ‘it doesn’t sound bad’.

Both can be used to say that something’s ok (as in good but not amazing).

¿Te suena el plan?

No suena mal. Hagámoslo.

Sound like a plan?

It sounds ok. Let’s do it.

29. Ajá – Uh-huh

Not too thrilled about something?

Well, a simple ‘ajá’ should convey just that!

It¿s pronounced like ‘ah-hah’.

¿Trabajas mañana?


Do you work tomorrow?


30. Va que va – Ok, then

Remember the expression ‘va’? Well, ‘va que va’ is kinda like its long-lost twin!

It may look strange, but it’s actually just another way to express agreement (sometimes with a pinch of reluctance or weariness).

En la oficina

Pedro – Voy a poner una junta el miércoles por la noche, ¿de acuerdo?

Valentín – Va que va. La agendo en mi calendario.

At the office

Pedro – I’m gonna set up a meeting on Wednesday night, okay?

Valentin – Ok, then. I’ll put it in my diary.

31. Más o menos – Kind of

This one literally means ‘more or less’ and, just as in English, it can be used as a synonym of ‘kind of’.

¿Estás de acuerdo?

Más o menos. No me emociona mucho, la verdad.

Do you agree?

Kind of. I’m not thrilled though if I´m being honest.

32. Maso – Kinda

In Mexico, ‘maso’ is short for ‘más o menos’. It’s an expression akin to ‘kinda’.

33. Estás bien – Are you ok

If you wanna ask how someone is after a minor fall or accident, you can say ‘¿estás bien?’ or ‘are you ok?’.

If you fancy learning a few variations of this phrase, be sure to check out our article on all the different ways to say ‘are you ok’ in Spanish!

¿Estás bien, Felipe?

Sí, solo un poco mareado.

Are you ok, Felipe?

Yes, just a bit dizzy.

34. Todo bien – All good

If someone’s just had a very minor accident and you can see that they’ve emerged unscathed, feel free to whip out the more casual, ‘¿todo bien?’.

It translates to ‘all good?’.

35. Todo chido – Everything cool

‘Chido’ is Mexican slang for ‘cool’ or ‘neat’, so this is another informal (and nifty if I may add) way to inquire as to someone’s wellbeing.

Gerardo – ¿Está todo chido entre nosotros?

Marcela – ¡Claro! ¿Por qué dudas?

Gerardo – Is everything cool between us?

Marcela – Of course! Why do you ask?

Final thoughts

Phew! Can you believe this list?

Hopefully it’ll come in handy when swatting up on your everyday colloquial Spanish, you’re sure to become quite the connoisseur in the eyes of your friends!

¡Hasta la próxima!

35 Super Useful Ways to Say ‘Ok’ (2024)


What can I say instead of OK? ›

Synonyms of OK
  • alright.
  • good.
  • fine.
  • nice.
  • delicious.
  • satisfactory.
  • all right.
  • pleasant.

What is the Mexican slang for OK? ›


There's no literal translation for the slang word órale in English. Instead, it can mean one of a few different expressions, such as: “o*kay”

How do you say OK in advanced English? ›

👱‍♀️ Yes by all means. meaning absolutely, certainly, without a doubt. Of course, there are many many other different ways to say alright or okay in English that we can use in different situations. I agree, I support you, I understand you, I will come with you …

How do you say okay in informal? ›

Okay and the abbreviations OK and O.K. are informal and should be replaced by synonyms such as acceptable, all right, correct, approval, authorize or recommend in formal writing. Ian says he'll be okay (all right) once his cold clears up.

How do you say OK respectfully? ›

It is perfectly acceptable to use the phrase “o*k” in a formal setting. However, when attempting to be more professional, it is generally best to opt for other phrases such as “I understand,” “affirmative,” “correct,” “received,” or “absolutely.

What is a better way to say are you OK? ›

Take the lead, show initiative, and ask, “Are you okay?” Use simple questions like, “How are you going?” Or, “What's been happening? I've noticed you seem a bit flat lately.” Mention specific things that you've been concerned about, like, “You don't seem to be your bubbly self lately.”

How do you say OK in Spain? ›

¡vale, vale! ⧫ ¡ya, ya!

What is a Chingana? ›

feminine noun. Andes, Southern Cone) dive (informal) ⧫ tavern.

What is the meaning of Punta? ›

Noun. punta f (plural puntes) point, tip. pinch, bit (small amount) peak, top.

What is British slang for OK? ›

Hunky-dory: Use this to describe when something is OK, cool, normal or "all good." ("Everything is hunky-dory over here!")

What is OK in Old English? ›

One predecessor of OK was OW, "oll wright." The general fad is speculated to have existed in spoken or informal written U.S. English for a decade or more before its appearance in newspapers. OK's original presentation as "all correct" was later varied with spellings such as "Oll Korrect" or even "Ole Kurreck".

What are the different types of OK in text? ›

There are many different ways one can text the word “o*kay.” You can spell the whole word out (okay), only use the first two letters (ok), or use a double (kk) or single (k) k.

How do you say yes in a unique way? ›

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English
  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I'm always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I'd be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.
Sep 20, 2017

How do you say OK elegantly? ›

30 Different Ways to Say OK in English
  1. Green light.
  2. Agree to.
  3. Go.
  4. Yep.
  5. Certify.
  6. Moderate.
  7. Respectable.
  8. Pleasing.
Apr 8, 2019

How do you ask someone is everything alright? ›

“How are things?” “Is anything on your mind?” “What's the most difficult thing you've experienced lately?”

How do you say I'm not okay without actually saying it? ›

Sometimes simple practical things can make a big difference “I'm just feeling overwhelmed at the moment and any help with grocery shopping or maybe some pre-cooked meals would really help”. If you're feeling completely overwhelmed letting the person know “I don't know, but I know I need help” is ok too.

What countries say OK? ›

And yet, OK has burst out of the United States and is now used all over the world. OK has made appearances in Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, French, Russian, Indonesian, German, Maldivian, Malay, Urdu, Punjabi, Filipino and other languages.

How do you say OK in Barcelona? ›

1 Vale - “o*kay” in Spanish

Vale is one of the most popular expressions in Spain, and you'll hear it everywhere you go.

Is Hijole a bad word? ›

Is 'híjole' a bad word? 'Híjole' is a colloquial interjection, but it's definitely not a swear word! Just keep in mind that it's not used in every Spanish-speaking country, and that it's mostly used in informal situations.

What is a guey in Spanish? ›

Go anywhere in Mexico City and you can hear someone calling someone else “guey,” which means “ox” or “slow-witted.” The word, also spelled buey, once was an insult, but it has morphed over years of popular use to become Mexico's version of “dude” or “bro.”

What does Buta mean? ›

Verb. buta. to put, to place. to lay, to lay down.

What is a Vata in Mexican slang? ›

And, vato has a feminine counterpart: vata, which can be used to refer to prostitutes or a female who owes someone money.

What is Dominican slang for girl? ›

Jeva and Jevo in feminine and masculine respectively, mean “girl” and “boy”. It's an informal, but not disrespectful way to refer to someone.

What is the slang for OK in Gen Z? ›

Bet: Bet is a way of saying “yes” or “o*k” or “it's on.” Vibing: Gen Z is big on vibes. Vibing describes a generic positive feeling that someone has about something.

What does 10 four mean? ›

What does 10-4 mean? Roger that! 10-4 is a way of saying “message received” in radio communications. It's also used as a way to “you got it.”

How do you say OK in London slang? ›

Tickety-boo – means OK and may have originated from a Hindi word meaning everything is fine. It's one of those nice-sounding words you will hear when someone wants to express everything is going exceptionally well.

What does sou da ne mean? ›

Sou desu ne is like "yeah" "uh-huh (but polite)"

Why do Japanese say Hai a lot? ›

Sometimes it's used as neutral filler speech to indicate you're listening. Sometimes it's used as a sign of acknowledgement. Sometimes it's used as a delineating device to indicate a change in topic. Sometimes it's used as a way of saying “here you go”.

What is yes in anime? ›

Hai is the simple, direct word for “yes” and is commonly used in Japanese speech.

What did people say before OK? ›

Before 1839, English speakers had "yes", "good", "fine", "excellent", "satisfactory", and "all right". What OK provided that the others did not was neutrality, a way to affirm or to express agreement without having to offer an opinion. Consider this dialogue: "Let's meet again this afternoon." Reply: "OK."

How do you say OK in American English? ›

Break 'ok' down into sounds: [OH] + [KAY] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

Why was the word OK invented? ›

A more likely explanation is that the term originated as an abbreviation of orl korrekt , a jokey misspelling of 'all correct' which was current in the US in the 1830s. The oldest written references result from its use as a slogan by the Democratic party during the American Presidential election of 1840.

What does KK mean from a girl? ›

Kk is an abbreviation for "k, kewl", which in itself is an abbreviation for "okay, cool." It is typically used online or in text messages to respond in the affirmative to another person's message. The abbreviation is typically only used by teenagers, which means adults may struggle with understanding the response.

Why text KK instead of OK? ›

In case you're wondering where "kk" came from, there are conflicting theories, but most seem to say that it's a shortened version of the popular 90s gamer expression "k, kewl," which is itself a shortened version of "ok, kewl." Wherever it came from, it does seem to be the most polite form of acknowledgement for the ...

What does OKKK mean from a girl? ›

Ok : she is having a casual feeling like a friend for you. Okkk: she is interested in you , she wants to know more about you and want to spend more time with you.

Why do Spanish people say okey? ›

Arguably, when Spanish speakers employ the word “o*k”, they do so only when making an acknowledgment – as an alternative to Yes/Sí. Assumedly, this is why there are less “o*k's” mixed in with the Spanish dialect, because there are less contexts where the Spanish people deem its usage appropriate.

What do Mexicans call each other slang? ›

Cuate is slang for 'friend', as is compa, carnal and cabrón. They tend to be used to varying degrees depending which part of Mexico you're in, and cabrón can also be used as an insult at times. Context is everything! Ex.: 'Es mi compa, mi carnal – ¡lo quiero!

How do you say OK in Japanese? ›

Kashikomarimash*ta. The most formal and humble way to say 'okay' in Japanese is kashikomarimash*ta (畏まりました / かしこまりました).

What is the most common Spanish swear word? ›

Gilipollas. One of the most common curse words in Spanish is 'gilipollas' which translates as idiot or jerk. Try it out on the idiot in your life with the phrase, 'no seas gilipollas' which in English is along the lines of 'don't be a dumbass.

How do you say OK in Madrid? ›

1 Vale - “o*kay” in Spanish

Vale is one of the most popular expressions in Spain, and you'll hear it everywhere you go. It's the Spanish way of saying “o*kay,” and you can use it as a response for pretty much anything. ¿Me puedes ayudar? - “Can you help me?”

What is slang for trashy Mexican? ›

Naco (fem. naca) is a pejorative word often used in Mexican Spanish that may be translated into English as "low-class", "uncultured", "vulgar" or "uncivilized ".

What do Mexicans call females? ›

Instead of using muchacho or muchacha or niño or niña, try out the Mexican slang term for “boy” or “girl,” which is chango or changa.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.