18 Thoughtful Gifts for a Friend Going Through a Divorce | Cake Blog (2024)

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A divorce is a difficult life change, and it brings new challenges as well as opportunities for growth. If you know a friend currently going through a divorce, you’ll want to be there for them for this transition.

Overview: Our Top Picks

Holiday or Christmas Gift Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

Care Package or Survival Kit Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

Small Gift Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • Holiday or Christmas Gift Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce
  • Care Package or Survival Kit Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce
  • Small Gift Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

Regardless of whether it was a friendly, mutual divorce or a ruthless one, all divorces are frustrating. Your friend needs you now more than ever. This is a chance to be their shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and a source of ongoing support.

If you’re looking for small gifts for friends, a thoughtful item can help them get through this murky time. While “divorce presents” aren’t all that common, perhaps they should be. We gift friends and family wedding gifts on their big day, and why shouldn’t we mark this occasion with similar well-wishes for the future? Here are our favorite thoughtful gifts for a friend going through a divorce.

Holiday or Christmas Gift Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

The first holiday or birthday a friend spends after his or her divorce is often the hardest. Being there for them during this time helps ease the burden of loss they might be feeling. These gifts are the perfect reminder that better days are ahead.

» MORE: Planning doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Join the peace of mind movement.

1. Wine or champagne

Why not toast to new beginnings? Most people think of divorce as an ending, but it’s also an invitation to start new. This fresh start calls for some delicious wine or champagne. As a bonus, add a fun, divorce-themed wine label.

2. Divorce cookies

While it might be a bit silly, there’s no way not to laugh at these divorce-themed cookies. You can make your own, hire a local baker, or find a selection on Etsy. Just as we celebrate life’s happy holiday moments with baked goods, you can honor this change with delicious treats.

3. E-reader

The holidays can be lonely when you’re spending them without a partner for the first time. Keep your friend company with their own e-reader like a Kindle. Better yet, include a gift card for ebooks or download a few of your favorites to keep them occupied.

4. New sheets

Nothing feels as fresh as new, luxurious sheets. This might be the first time your friend has slept in their bed alone for a while. New sheets are the perfect way to begin a fresh chapter, and they’re also a source of warmth and comfort.

5. Streaming subscription

When it comes to the best digital gifts, it’s hard to outdo a streaming subscription. Gift a subscription to your favorite digital film libraries like Netflix or Hulu so your friend can binge all the latest shows and movies. A bit of escapism might be the perfect holiday activity.

6. Blanket

A comforting blanket is a perfect way to gift holiday cheer to someone in need. Better yet, choose a heated or weighted blanketso they get even more comfort when they need it the most. Though simple, a blanket is a gift for every occasion.

Care Package or Survival Kit Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

For a friend who needs a helping hand, these care package and survival kit ideas will make things a bit easier. Most of all, they’re a reminder that your friend is never really alone. You’ll be there every step of the way.

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7. ‘Open when’ letters

If you’re not aware, “open when” letters are letters that your friend opens on specific occasions. For example, you might have an ‘open when you’re sad’ letter or ‘open when you miss your ex’ letter. These are designed to be opened in the moments your loved one needs them the most.

Taking the time to write custom, personalized ‘open when’ letters is the best way to be there for your friend during his or her divorce. Because you can’t always be there in person, be there in spirit.

8. Meal delivery

Regular, everyday activities and chores are always harder when you’re going through a big change. Regardless of how your friend feels about the divorce, things like cooking can be difficult to stay on top of. A meal delivery service or subscription ensures they’re not neglecting their health. Plus, it’s one less thing for them to worry about.

9. Divorce book

Going through a divorce can be a lonely experience, especially if your friend doesn’t have anyone in their life who has also broken up with a marriage partner.

Reading a book about someone who’s already been there can offer great comfort. Some good picks are Lori Gottlieb’s Maybe You Should Talk to Someoneand Lisa Marie Basile’s Light Magic for Dark Times.

10. Supportive bracelet

Sometimes the best place to wear your heart (or your support) is literally on your sleeve. A supportive message on a stylish bracelet lets your divorced friend carry your wise words with them. This RareLove bracelet spells ‘strength’ in morse code, offering help when you need it the most.

11. Divorce candle

Candles can be therapeutic. Reflecting while watching a flame is a form of healing, and we could all stand to take a few more quiet moments to ourselves. A candlethat celebrates someone’s divorce isn’t just a funny gift, it’s also a reminder to practice self-love.

12. Household essentials

Basic chores like shopping and cleaning are always more of a challenge when you’re going through something difficult. A household essentials gift basket with things like paper towels, paper plates, cleaning supplies, and so on can be a thoughtful gift.

Small Gift Ideas for a Friend Going Through a Divorce

If you’d rather give something small but powerful, there are so many ways to lift your friend up with one of the ideas below. It’s always the thought that matters most of all.

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13. Letter of encouragement

A letter of encouragement is a small token of kindness, and it’s the perfect gift idea for a recently divorced friend. In a letter of encouragement, you can share what you love and admire about your friend, as well as why you know they’ll make it through this stronger.

14. Gratitude journal

Understanding and coming to terms with the mixed emotions after a divorce is sometimes the hardest part. A gratitude journalgives them a safe space to share their feelings and thoughts on their own terms. Reminding them what they’re thankful for goes a long way in regards to healing and growth.

15. Pajamas

Few things in life are as soothing as new pajamas. Offering your friend a new pair of comfy pajamas to call their own helps them feel less alone each night, and it’s also a fresh start for a new era.

16. Self-care items

Taking time for yourself can feel selfish after a divorce. When feelings are running high, it’s hard to hit pause and reflect. Self-care gift ideas like a self-care gift basket or bathtime essentialsremind them to take this time they need. Hitting the pause button on life is the best way to really move forward.

17. Divorce card

A simple gift idea for someone you might not know as well is a divorce card. While there are greeting cards for just about everything, a divorce card isn’t something you’ll find at a big-box store. Luckily, you can find laugh-out-loud divorce cards on Etsyand other creative shops.

18. Flowers

Lastly, gift your divorced friend fresh, gorgeous flowers. Flowers are a symbol of life, newness, and happiness. Though your friend might need time to come to terms with their new normal, flowers are a form of support that never will go out of style.

While you can choose any flowers, consider the language behind these blooms. Daffodils are the most well-known flower that symbolizes newness and a fresh start. Similarly, daisies are a sign of rebirth.

Help Someone Through a Divorce

If you’re helping a friend through a divorce, this is the perfect time to prepare a meaningful gift. These gift ideas above might sound simple, but they’re a reminder that we can surround ourselves with support. While divorces happen and can be messy, they’re also a new start.

Whether you’re inviting your friend to celebrate this new chapter or you’re helping him or her reflect on their feelings, being there is what matters. How do you help those you love through life’s biggest challenges?

18 Thoughtful Gifts for a Friend Going Through a Divorce | Cake Blog (2024)


What is a care package for a friend going through a divorce? ›

You can also put together a self-care or stress-relief care package for a friend who is going through a divorce. It could include luxurious creams, comfort foods, a book or journal, and stress balls or fidget toys.

How do you cheer up a friend going through a divorce? ›

How to Support a Friend Going Through a Divorce
  1. Keep inviting them out, even if they often decline.
  2. If they're moving, help them pack.
  3. Just listen.
  4. However tempting, don't trash their ex.
  5. Help out with partner-like things.
  6. Show up with a meal.
  7. Don't press for details.
  8. Be accepting of their dating life.

What do you send someone who is getting divorced? ›

10 Gifts for Someone Going Through Divorce
  • Indulge them with a spa day with a massage or a mani/pedi. ...
  • Let them work out their anger with a Dammit Doll. ...
  • Help their new beginning blossom with a symbolic sapling. ...
  • A coloring cure for heartache. ...
  • Take them to a rage room.
May 10, 2023

What to buy as a divorce gift? ›

Try some wine or whiskey. Empowered and ready for some "new year new me" vibes? A gym membership should do the trick. The divorce party is gonna be lit AF when you show up with a gift like these, any of which are more thoughtful than anything their ex ever got them.

What to include in a care package for a friend who is grieving? ›

When it comes to selecting items to include in a care package, there are plenty of options to consider. Honestly, you can include anything you think the bereaved may need over the coming days. This can include items like toiletries, food, gifts, grief resources, and items to help children cope.

What do you put in a self care package for a friend? ›

What is in a care package? There's no right or wrong when it comes to making a self care package. A wellness kit can consist of bath and skincare products, candles, food and beverages, and other items that provide relaxation and comfort. The self care gift should be tailored to your recipient and what they like.

What not to say to a friend getting divorced? ›

Soley focusing on the silver lining can invalidate your friend's experience and may make them feel closed off to really sharing their true feelings with you. Some of the worst things to say to someone getting divorced are: "You're better off without them." "Everything will get better soon."

How do you comfort a friend with marital problems? ›

Provide emotional support by making yourself available for phone calls, text messages and face-to-face meetings. Offer practical help with child care, school pickups, errands or meals. You will need to reassure your friend that she isn't an annoyance and that it's an honour to journey with her.

What are the emotions of a man going through divorce? ›

Divorced men often undergo severe emotional turmoil. They may feel angry at one time and sad or depressed the next. They also suffer from regret, loneliness, disappointment, denial, and guilt. Such strong emotions often take a toll on their mental health.

Do you take a gift to a divorce party? ›

Think carefully about the guest list. Think about the people who have stood by you during the divorce process and invite them. Tell your guests not to give you any gifts, but ask them to bring an item of food or drink if they can.

Do you give gifts back after a divorce? ›

After much debate, most etiquette experts agree that wedding gifts are not given to the couple conditional upon the success of the marriage. Because of this, a divorced couple does not need to return any of the gifts.

Should gifts be returned after divorce? ›

Any gifts you gave to your spouse are not recoverable in a divorce. They are considered separate not marital property, so they are not subject to equitable property division.

What should be included in a final care package? ›

Exam Care Package Ideas
  • An Alarm Clock. Hey, we'll be the first to admit that alarm clocks, which are good for nothing else but telling the time and waking us up, are seldom present anywhere – let alone in dorm rooms. ...
  • Breakfast. ...
  • Snacks. ...
  • Caffeine. ...
  • Vitamins. ...
  • Distractions. ...
  • Study Supplies. ...
  • Luckiness.

How do I make a grief care package? ›

Grief Care Package Ideas for the Body
  1. Bubble bath or bath salt.
  2. A loaf of fresh bread with butter.
  3. Homemade meal or dessert (Make it something that all they need to do is reheat or toss in the refridgerator.)
  4. Body lotion.
  5. Candy, such as chocolates, gummies, or even trail mix.
Apr 11, 2023

What is considered a care package? ›

a package containing food, clothing, or other items sent as necessities to people in need of them. a gift of treats to relatives or friends, especially of items not readily available to them: She sends monthly care packages of homemade cookies to her son at college.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.